Thursday, November 23, 2006

Labor is very worried about the Greens in Melbourne and resorts to dirty tactics

I visited North Melbourne at 2:30pm on Wednesday 22/11 to have a look at the campaign streetwalk by Greens Leader Senator Bob Brown and Richard Di Natale, Greens candidate for Melbourne.

I was greatly surprised to be confronted by an organised mixture of young Labor supporters and some older hecklers who were accusing the Greens having a preference deal with Liberals. I explained to them that the Greens are not preferencing the Liberals in any seat in Victoria, and are preferencing Labor in the majority of seats. However, they seemed to be confused about the 25 odd seats where the Greens are leaving voters to choose where their preference goes.

These same people were unwilling to acknowledge that Labor is preferencing the right wing Country Alliance and DLP parties. They were also unaware that DLP has a policy on their website supporting the "development of nuclear engineering and power generating capabilities for peaceful purposes that facilitate future options for acquiring a nuclear deterrent capacity". I also pointed out to them that Labor has refused to stop the logging of Melbourne's water catchments and old growth forests.

It seems to me that Labor is very worried about the message of optimism that the Greens are providing to the Victorian public, and are prepared to resort to dirty tactics to try and stop the Greens winning the inner city seats of Melbourne, Richmond and Northcote.

Richard DiNatale and Bob finally got to go for a walk

The Stump Truck from East Gippsland showed up, highlighting Labor's support for ongoing old growth logging

Bob had a word with the young Laborites who were falsely accusing the Greens of preferencing the Liberals

Bob tried out a sustainable form of transport


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