Saturday, October 21, 2006

Why John Thwaites supports logging in our water catchments

John Thwaites and the Bracks government condones environmental vandalism by allowing logging to continue in Melbourne's water catchments in spite of clear scientific evidence that the logging is decreasing both the quality and the quantity of the water we drink.

It is hypocritical for them to encourage the community to their bit to save water - as many are - and allow this logging to continue.

So why does John Thwaites allow it? There are very few jobs involved, and those directly employed in the clearfelling and burning process can be readily employed in the burgeoning plantation industry. The habitat of Leadbeaters Possum - Victoria's endangered faunal emblem - is also being destroyed.

The reasons for John Thwaites' support for this environmental disaster is that the powerful CFMEU support the logging, and they provide critical factional support for the Premier Steve Bracks. So internal ALP factional politics are the real reason this logging continues. Shame John Thwaites, shame.

This issue is more important than petty politics - and growing numbers of voters are coming to realise how important are forest catchments and their biodiversity are - particularly in these times of drought.


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